Train from Paris to Nice, France by SNCF TGV

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  • 1 Review on “Train from Paris to Nice, France by SNCF TGV”

    • EZRWorld1 Listing Owner
      5 years ago

      This is a wonderful experience in general. The views from the train were extraordinary. We purchased our tickets online, and when we departed from Paris, it seemed everyone was using their iPhone or device to present an electronic ticket. In the Paris train station, there was an elevator or escalator to reach the departing platform. Something to pay attention to is whether your seated on level 2 of the train or level 1. Level 2 allows for excellent views and a fun experience, but the stairs are narrow to reach level 2. Level 1 is far better if you have any difficulty going up or down stairs with your bag. We paid for extra leg room, and so we had a spot with a little unfolding table. The night before, we bought a bunch of pastries and sandwiches for the journey, and we were allowed to bring them on board. The train also allows for hopping off to buy a coffee at various stations, which is also fun. The coffee in Lyon is very good. Once the train arrived at the Mediterranean Sea, the views were breathtaking. At the sea, the train first passed through Marseilles and Cannes on the coast before reaching Nice.

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