Tarantino’s Pizzeria

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  • 1 Review on “Tarantino’s Pizzeria”

    • EZRWorld1 Listing Owner
      5 years ago

      First, the performance of this pizza place is off the charts amazing. If delicious food soothes your soul, this is the place to go. You can dine in or offer pick up. It is accessible for a wheelchair because it is street level. The aisles are a little narrow, but the people who work there are so nice and perceptive, they can move chairs around to open it up and accommodate. It is very safe for all as it’s just one big open room. They are so incredibly kind, we love dining here. They are very accepting of diverse ability and have amazing hospitality. It can get a little loud at peak hours, which doesn’t bother us. But for some autistic friends, it could be overstimulating.

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