Newman Aranson Vanaman

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  • 1 Review on “Newman Aranson Vanaman”

    • EZRWorld1 Listing Owner
      5 years ago

      Newman Aranson and Vanaman helped me to advocate for my child on many occasions. We were represented by Eric Menyuk and Bryan Winn, who did an excellent job. Before having a child with special needs, I had no idea navigating the school system would be so treacherous, problematic, and corrupt. Our district tried to not provide a place for our child, claiming there was nothing appropriate available. The school district I guess expected us to slink away, disheartened. Well it’s illegal to refuse a disabled child an appropriate place in school. Eric and Bryan helped so much. The law is complicated, and without them, we would have been walked all over like a doormat. They made sure our child’s rights were protected.

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